Sunday, May 17, 2009

Still crashing on the 7

The server's still getting divide-by-zero errors.  It's so weird that I'd have multiple ones that all show up in the same release.  This one is much more mysterious.  It's *probably* being caused by a buffer overflow of some sort.  Symptoms:  corrupted stack variables, debugger trace doesn't go all the way back up the call path, it breaks down in areas that should never break (the STL in hash_map, ws2_32.dll, ...)

6 pm
Server hasn't crashed yet.  Murphy's law, attaching a debugger to a normal run makes it work great.  Wtfs abound.  Also, bazaar's coming together.  Got items display on the client like a charm.  GUI is still a huge pain, not sure what I can do about it yet but I have to think of something because there's no way taking 2 days to add a single set of menus is sustainable.

I did some work with the hp equations and realized what curve I really want:  exponential rise up to a straight-line.  All dps should be based on hp.

The bazaar is almost finished.  There HAS to be a better way.

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