Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can't talk now - good things are happening!

The new client-interaction system is in place and working. You can walk around and melee just fine, and the system feels really smooth. All of the new equations are also in place. The action delay numbers need to be tweaked as attacking is a bit too slow right now and the fastest movement could stand to be about 25% faster.

Oh, equipping items and changing combat styles specializations also works.

There are a few things I'm going to code today before I can get started on the Event system, which is what controls projectiles and instantiates magic effects. I'm going to write the falling-down-a-pit, swimming and flying code. They're pretty straightforward.

Swimming works. That was easy! I also added the delayed-logoff code so that you have to stand still for 3 seconds before the game will log you out. Now on to falling...

Falling and swimming both work beautifully. Melee combat works in the right situations, logging off doesn't cause problems, respawning is super simple--and to top it all off, I just deleted about 8000 lines of old code (15 files) that were replaced by this new, better-thought-out 3500 line system that does about 10x more.

I need something to activate flying before I can really test that out, so it's on to the spell system. I don't want to get ahead of myself...but I think we're going to make the deadline for pre-beta next week!!!

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